Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 1.5

By the time we got settled in to the hotel room and set the alarm for 3:45 am it was 11:45 - leaving a scant 4 hours of sleep, which would allow us a half hour to wake up, shower and pack before hitting the road by 4:30. If successful in getting up and out on time, that would give us enough time to drive up to Denver in time for kickoff, plus a total of 15 minutes for gas/bathroom/food breaks, finding parking, and walking to the stadium.

I spent the first two hours after setting the alarm trying to fall asleep, coming tantalizingly close on several occasions. Sean spent those two hours in the bathroom catching up on two days' worth of blogging backlog.  I spent the next two hours successively rolling around my bed in a fruitless attempt to find a position that might somehow magically induce slumber.  Sean spent the next two hours in his bed enjoying the benefits of success on his first try at the same exercise.

When the alarm went off the second time (post - snooze button) I had to wake Sean up, which only confirmed what I had concluded: it made no sense to drive through mountains and for half a day on two hours of combined sleep, only to arrive late to a game that we can barely stay awake for, then take on another 12 hour drive the next day to Norman, OK. We had a short conversation, then both went back to bed.

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